Monday, February 18, 2013

New sem starts

Hold your geek gadget and ready for a new sem.. cuz It is a new beginning...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sem Break


Hi.. skank dah start cuti.. aku dah set beberapa task untuk cuti niyh.. haha

1)Beli partner utk SIZUKA - Dah beli name dia ASTON okey ^^
2)Bela burung puyuh 20 ekor - Still in progress
3)Bela kura- dah beli 3 ekor.KULU,KULA, annnndddd Pelik.. haha x de la nk nama kan lgi 1 KULI plak..

Target penting

1) Turunkan berat - atleast 5kg nk naikkan stamina skit
2) Carik duit untuk support brother aku wak kluar moto.. haha even dia pon still x tau and aku x kan bgi tau hehe :P
3) Tolong parent aku sebolehnya kat kebun sbb sem depan dah x bole tolong dorg sbb ada LI.
4) Install car audio kat keta aku.. and repair skit2 yg bunyik pelik2 tuh.

Cuti sem nie seyes aku x nak enjoy sgt sbb aku akan btol2 enjoy bila suma benda nie dah setel... because seing their happy face is already enough for me to enjoy ^_^

Peace all

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tech Com Freestyle


A small word that have a BIG meaning,
A simple word that carries a BIG hope,
A hope that one day it can be used in time in need,
At time where we are at most down and weak,
It will appear to lend a hand,

TRUST is something that you have to mold.
And it take a very long times to make a perfect one,
It material is gain a little day by day of being together,
After it is at it perfect form, 
 I gladly handed it to you.
I am so happy,
The most precious thing to me is in a good hand.

But sadly, you have intentionally drop it,
You broke it into two pieces,
Then you came with ' fake ' sad face,
Bringing the remaining pieces to seek forgiveness,
I, who are so dumb tricked by you,
I take it and fix it again,
 Slowly with the hope you can take care it well.

Now even though the TRUST is fixed,
But it is barely as the old ones,
The old ones are more solid and strong,
I give it again to you for the second times with a smiling face,
You hold it for quite sometimes, 
Then, you smash it again,
But this time you smash it right in front of my face,
While laughing out load,
Saying it is just a piece of trash.

Now the pieces are shattered into a million pieces,
Which means my hope also have been shattered,
And with damage like that,
 It can never be repaired again,
As the TRUST is now gone forever,
It also take away our friendship bond forever,
This is where we separate path and go on with our life.

-The End-  

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